
viernes, 8 de diciembre de 2017



What I would try. That is why I made a list of topics that were of my interest. I was only clear that all the issues should include the scope of the economy and the company because it is to which I will dedicate myself in the future. And so it was, I had neuromarketing in mind, homeschooling and the importance of the logos.
But the first topic was not accepted for me, since they had been done in previous courses and for the other options it was difficult to find people to do the interviews.
Then I opted for subliminal advertising.

It is a work that is divided into two blocks. The first one, theoretically deals with advertising: its objectives, how it works, the types that exist, the media, etc. Then focus on subliminal advertising, the most extensive part of the body of work, explain the beginnings, the brand's action, the stimuli that affect, among others. In the second block, these theoretical aspects are implemented by visualizing a video, images that will contain subliminal stimuli and will be analyzed if they are perceived according to gender and age.

Therefore, this is a work that addresses psychological behaviors of humans, economic issues (market segmentation, product positioning ...), and even linguistic and visual aspects.



Spain faces worst drought in years


This image is the best illustration of the drought that affects most of Spain since spring and has been accentuated in a warm autumn beginning and without rain. Water reserves have fallen to 38.9% of the total capacity of the reservoirs, a record only surpassed by the low during the period of drought between 1992 and 1995 (the reserves fell to 26.4%).
One of the most affected areas is Galicia.
It is the consequence of having suffered "the driest year in history", with rains 40% "below the average," according to the president of the Hydrographic Confederation of the Miño-Sil, Francisco Marín. The restrictions will not affect urban supply now, but city councils should focus their attention on the use of water in sources and other ornamental elements, as well as penalize their waste.
Castile and León is the other most affected community. The basins of the Douro and the Tagus are 32.2% and 40.8%, respectively. The main affectation occurs in agriculture, with 70% of the cereal crop lost.
Other affected basins are those of the Júcar (26%) and Segura (14.3%). The Guadalquivir (32.3%) is below minimum, the Ebro basin has crossed the reserve threshold below half the capacity (44.2%). In contrast, reservoirs of the internal basins, with 56.9%, save Catalonia from scarcity.

The situation is due to a hydrological year in which it rained little, but above all, badly. The national average value of precipitation accumulated from 1 October to 26 September is 550 mm, 14% less than the normal value for this period (628.3 mm).
It would not be a very negative medium if it were not because most of the fall rainfall has done it in a torrential way. Almost everything went to the sea in the form of floods. Water that is worthless and destroys infrastructure. Drought will begin to be the subject of political debate.


Drought: sequera
Torrential way: 
manera torrencial
sense valor


In Catalonia, the rainfall regime is characterized by a great general irregularity and a high interannual variability, due to the typical Mediterranean climate, which makes us particularly vulnerable to drought episodes, especially in the internal basins. However, to prevent drought, we must monitor not to exceed the use of water. Since lately the weather has changed and exactly in 2017 we have seen that precipitation has been little respect in recent years and, in the event that rain has rained, it has been abundant and in a few days. This directly affects the agriculture and livestock sector.
Regarding the consequences caused by drought we must make a change of chip and manage what we have, which in this case is the water.


Is the world running out of fresh water?


The planet contains more than one billion billion liters of H₂O in which 97% is salt water and 3% represents the sweet. The third of this is retained in glaciers and layers of polar ice. Of the remainder, most are found on the ground or in underground aquifers.

The news then describes the reason for the exhaustion of drinking water with worrying numbers of deaths. According to the BBC, more than two million people die every year due to lack of drinking water.
The total global water requirement per year is more than four billion liters per year, and the natural sources of the liquid no longer reach the reach. The World Economic Forum and other institutions estimate that in 2030 there will be a 40% higher demand, which the planet will not be able to supply. As a result in a few years, half of the world's population will not have enough water for everyone and this will affect agriculture, which will increase food prices.

As solutions, it is proposed to clean dirty water using special bottles to clean dirty water and make it potable. Another option that is suggested is known as "distillation by steam compression" but it is costly and inefficient.
Desalination seems to be the best solution to the crisis, but it requires a lot of pressure and involves high and expensive energy expenditure. The simplest solution could simply be to improve the way we manage what we have. In developing countries, for example, 45 million cubic meters of fresh water are lost per day due to underground leakage.


Exhaustion: esgotament
Shortage: escassetat
Reservoirs: embassaments
Built on ancient lake beds: construït sobre llits antics de llac
Beyond: més enllà


In relation to the solution that is developed in the news, I agree that we must improve the way we manage what we have.I mean, to take full advantage of the water we get with only mentalizing ourselves in performing daily activities in the routine. For example, when we shower in  winter, we often expect hot water to flow out, while losing amounts of water is lost, to rectify this we could put a bucket and reserve it to scrub the earth. Or when we wash our teeth, close the tap and not let it open. They are clear examples that do not involve much effort and many people do not carry it out.

Therefore, if we are all aware of what we disapprove and think about when doing these actions, we could maintain a more lasting environmental sustainability.




The global warming is accelerated temperature warming on Earth. It is caused by increased emissions of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and sulfur gases).
Chief of the US Environment Believes that CO2 does not harm the atmosphere.
Scott Pruitt, of the Republican Party, affirmed that carbon dioxide is not the main pollutant gas, although information published in the agency he directs says otherwise.
He believes that measuring the impact of human activity on climate is very difficult to do and that there is tremendous disagreement about the degree of impact. That is, it contradicts its own agency
And her comments were quickly rejected by the scientists, her immediate predecessor to the EPA chief, Gina McCarthy etc.


Fuel: combustible
Standards: normas
Rush: presa
Sued: demandat
Coal: carbó
Widely: extensament
Review: revisió
Framed: emmarcat
Aimed: dirigit
Boosting: impulsat


The climate has cooled and warmed for various reasons throughout the history of the world. An accelerated warming, as we are living today, is unheard-of in the history of the planet. It is a theme that affects us all so we must take action for the future of the planet. Humanity is in our hands, only governments and us can make Earth a better world. Beginning to avoid the use of fossil fuels and applying the “3Rs” concept - reduce, recycle, reuse.




A cyber-attack that hit organisations worldwide including the UK's National Health Service was "unprecedented", Europe's police agency says.

A huge cyber attack has hit computer systems in dozens of countries. The virus called ransomware, affects, among others, the equipment of Telefónica headquarters in Madrid, the British health system or the Russian Interior Ministry.
After installing on the computer, that virus blocks access to the files of the affected computer asking for a rescue to allow access, and can infect other vulnerable computers in the network.

This type of virus appears to be harmless and imitates other applications, is the most common and accounts for 72.75% of malware, malicious attacks, according to the latest reports from companies Kaspersky Lab and PandaLab.

According to Eusebio Nieva, technical director of Check Point in Spain and Portugal, ransomware is the strategy most used to attack large companies. "The hackers ask that the rescue be made through a digital payment that can not be traced," said Nieva.
The expert pointed out that the payment of a ransom is not a guarantee that the information encrypted by the virus can be recovered: "The possibility is between 30% and 40%." It also warns that traditional antivirus programs are no longer enough. The most pointers of protection, according to Nieva, are the anti-APP or sandbouxing programs, which track the behavior of the system or the information network, identify any malicious software and eliminate itSandboxing is the one that works best. When a document arrives in the mail, for example, the system opens in a virtual environment and detects something suspicious, deletes it before it reaches the user, "explains the expert.


Harmless: inofensivo
Imitates: Imita
Guarantee: garantía
Environment: ambiente


What surprises me and I worry is that there are large companies that handle personal data and use Windows as an operating system. Windows is an operating system full of holes, very unsafe. Among the three operating systems that dominate the market (Windows, Linux, MacOS).

They offer us privacy but in reality we do not have it, each time, internet is less reliable.


Couscous is a traditional  food in Morocco. The ingredients are wheat semolina, vegetables, chickpeas and red meat. There are a lot of combinations,


1,000 grams of beef with bone
Two chopped onions
Of crushed tomatoes
A bunch of chopped cilantro
Two teaspoons of ginger
Two teaspoons of ras hanout
A teaspoon of pepper
A teaspoon of saffron, turmeric or food coloring
A teaspoon of salt
700 grams of cous cous
Eight tablespoons of olive oil
2 carrots
2 turnips
3 sweet potatoes
3 courgettes
3 peppers
1 cabbage head
2 onions
50 grams of raisins
100 grams of cooked chickpeas


1.In a pot put the meat, chopped onion, tomato, cilantro, salt, pepper, ginger, saffron, ras el hanout, garlic head and water and let it cook over a fire Soft until the meat is tender. The meat is removed and the broth is left in the pot.

2.Cook the vegetables in water; First they take the later ones and the last the zucchini, which is the fastest in cooking. The cabbage can be cooked in water with a little milk and a slice of bread, which will help avoid gas, bitterness and bad smell

3.In another pot, prepare the caramelized onion. Put onion in julienne, salt, ginger, saffron, pepper, cinnamon and olive oil and cook until the onion looks tender. Then the sugar is added to make it caramelize.

4.In the broth pot put all the vegetables very carefully and leave about 20 minutes on the fire to catch the flavor of the meat.

5.Place the couscous in a large, deep dish and make a hole in the middle.

6.Place the meat in the center,around the meat are placed vegetables and sprinkle the entire dish with the broth. If you do not like it with broth you can also eat it dry

7.There are many types of couscous but this is the traditional and typical of my country. 
I especially like with broth and without many vegetables.What I do not like about the couscous is that it fills me up fast and after I eat it I have more hunger.

domingo, 15 de octubre de 2017



You have never had those days that you feel it ivery tired, heavy and you can not be to follow the pending activity to study or work. And we think that a energy drink it would compensate us for this tiredness. But, really are healthy for our health? Do they work?

Surely more than once we have drunk energy drinks, but the problem is not to drink it once, but to make an abuse. Since we are talking about non-alcoholic beverages with stimulants that reduce fatigue and also increase mental ability and phisic endurance. In one of these drinks we find a large amount of caffeine equivalent to more or less 4 cups of coffee, or about 6 boxes of tea or 4 coca cola. Caffeine only needs only 10 minutes to reach the bloodstream, after 45 minutes the caffeine in blood increases and you starts begin to perceive the first effects as: being more awake, more concentrated, more attentive until you notice the bajon. After an hour the effects begin to diminish this implies happening of the euphoria to the sadness and of the hyperactivity to the fatigue. But the real problem is sugar. The excess sugar causes acidity in digestion and malabsorption in people with intestinal diseases. Taking into account that an energy can can contain 200 kcl and 50 grams of sugar, is a big quantity of calories.
After an hour the effects begin to diminish this implies happening of the euphoria to the sadness and of the hyperactivity to the fatigue. But the real problem is sugar. The excess sugar causes acidity in digestion and malabsorption in people with intestinal diseases. Taking into account that an energy can can contain 200 kcl and 50 grams of sugar, is a big quantity of calories.

In conclusion, it's better to consume in moderation or directly do not consume them and replace them by shakes or natural juices.




The last thursday 17 August, fourteen people was killed in two attacks in Spain and injured more than 100. Thirteen died  in Barcelona when a van was driven in to crowds on Las Ramblas, and one person was killed by a car in Cambrils, a coastal town 75 miles to the the south.
The event occurred at 16:50, when a van zig-zagged down Las Ramblas at high speed trying to run over people, while the avenue was full of tourists. 
Many were knocked to the ground while others fled for cover in nearby shops and cafes.
In Cambrils the jihadists were in an Audi that overturned and five people left, some wearing fake suicide belts. Four were shot dead by a policeman on the scene. A fifth escaped but was later shot dead.
The attack had been carried out by Younes Abouyaaqoub. Although the four suspects reportedly said that the leader of the group was the imam Abdelbaki Es Satty
The Catalan police estimated that the jihadists had been preparing larger attacks, and that the accidental explosion forced them to adopt a more rudimentary plan: the fuss of the vans.


Van mowed: furgoneta segada
Pedestrians: vianants
Witnesses: testimonis
Nearby shops: botigues properes
Ploughed: arada


As all the attacks seem to me an immoral aggression. It only produces physical and psychological damages: deaths, victims, Islamophobia, among others. Innocent people including a little boy.

As a Muslim, it makes me rage that these events produced by jihadists it's associated with us, that is, they associate jihadism with Muslims. I do not think that they are true Muslims who kill in the name of Allah, but the opposite those who stained Islam. Since it is forbidden to kill a person, is a very serious crime in our religion.

domingo, 4 de junio de 2017


Tuesday,19th January 2018

Fatima El Karraoui 
Hospital Street,1.
18360, Barcelona.

I am writing in connection with the job advertisement for a journalist published in "gap year travel" on 3rd May and I should like to apply for the position.
I am very interested in the position that it offers since I know the good reputation that has obtained its magazine WILDLIFE. I also admire the work so splendid that they are doing from the point of view both professional and personal since I am also a great fan of the animals. I would like you to take my candidature into account as it could contribute my bit to your excellent magazine. 

I am a punctual person, calm and patient. My love for words began when I was 7 years old, when my parents for first time they gave me a personal diary. There, began my desire of the writing, the novels and so on.
I always have the curiosity to discover the world that surrounds us, the culture, the politics, the fauna, the landscapes, etc. And Costa Rica is the perfect place to apply my skills like managing a video camera, microphone, content manager or CMS, SEO Knowledge etc. 
As a lover of animals, photography and writing I would love to take up your job. 

I remain at your disposal to arrange a meeting in person or by telephone, or by any other questions that may arise 
I enclose an up-to-date currículum vitae, a recent photo  and am available should you require more information regarding mi application.

Yours faithfully.

                                                                                                                                   Fatima El Karraoui.

sábado, 27 de mayo de 2017


Gender Violence

Although there are rights, culture and traditions continue to favor gender violence. And what is gender violence? Is when someone harms their opposite gender.In the course of time has been very present, especially nowadays have been many cases. How often have we heard the news about television?

However the facts are most frequent in the female gender, produced by jealousy or infidelity of men to women. It is difficult to identify an assailant durant the beginning of the relationship. Because normally not carried out in public places, is difficult to find out.
But one of the people who can help the victims are the friends, because victims trust them.
Also this problem  it's due to the rudeness of our children and the examples they can see. "If you see your father yelling at your mother at home, you follow that pattern, because you think that is the right behavior, with exceptions logically.
The cause of this behavior is education, disrespect to others.We need a new pattern of behavior to follow that is based on values of respect.

Finally, if we want to avoid such events must inform them identify the attackers and report it. You have to act! No girl or woman in the world should have to suffer any kind of violence. This struggle must be an emergency for all of us.

viernes, 26 de mayo de 2017


When we want identify our culture with a symbolism certainly, we all think in the bullfighting, in the world of bulls....

You will ask what this is?

Bullfighting is a spectacle, mainly Spanish which torture a bull to death. Many deem it's an art, others denounce for Involving practice for cruelty to animals.

Have you stopped to think that fun can lead lives with the suffering of many animals?

The bulls are not   characterized  for be aggressive in nature, are harmless animals. What happens is that he is mistreated before he goes to the bullring for this, he's altered.It is a violent and cruel act, over publicly and more celebrated in the form of courtship. Further, The perpetrators of these attacks are respected, recognized and happy as if they were heroes.


Therefore, tradition is not sufficient argument, we must abandon this uncivilized cultural practices.
Should be abolished bullfighting in the rest of Spain.
In short, there is no reason to justify the continuation of this espactacle. Because it is a sign of violence towards animals is immoral and uncivilized constum Century 21. Although some countries already is prohibited, bullfighting shark should not be allowed anywhere in the world.
Is not art neither culture, is torture.


Once upon a time my sister and me we decided to go running through a forest by the river Fluvià. I was not doing good weather that we wanted, it was autumn in October.
Then we put the tracksuit and walked to the forest, which is next to our house. We decided to run at a slow pace for not tiring much, until I found a sign that said: 

Hunters area

I told my sister to look at the poster but she did not give it importance and we continued to increase the pace a little until arriving on a narrow road. There was a cold, mysterious and silent atmosphere.
When I suddenly told him that we stood still  because I heard a noise that every time was surrounding us. The heart was accelerating to us a thousand and we started to run fast when we got enough we saw the ass of a very large boar. At that moment I wanted to run but my sister insisted on climbing the tree because the wild boar run much more than people or even a person on a bicycle, and I paid attention. We went up and saw the boar was a little hurt. When he left, we ran very fast because there was not only that jalabí but there was more since in the background we heard the shotgun shots. We were paranoid and scared when we got home we started to laugh and tell the event to my mother, father,friends etc.

From this experience I learned: pay attention to your mother because in the case that we hadn't ignored her from the beginning this would not have happened haha.



The opaque card refers to those cards that companies give employees and many of these use them illegally because they do not use them to make various expenses of the company, but rather for its own costs or own interest. One example is the case of the former president of Bankia, Rodrigo Rato who spent 5547 euros on the card alcoholic beverages, nightlife outings etc.

Caja Madrid is the oldest Spanish savings banks and one of the seven banks that formed Bankia. Are 83 the former directors this entity who owned these cards. They used more than 15.2 million in personal expenses allegedly in charge of the organization and also stated that his intention was to return all the money.


Arrangement: Arranjament
Allowing: Permetent
Misusing: Mal ús
Swallow: Empassar.


This suggests that a string of scams, who also has the most in-flight case Bankia is just a copy of other corruptions. Audits (who recopilan accounting information of a company by a business or professional (auditor) independent) are not effective solutions because we have seen that their protocols are not efficient.
And my question is: hat money back?

Google apologises after ads appear next to extremist content


Matthew Brittin, Google's chief and owner of YouTube has apologized after announcements of large companies and government agencies appeared alongside the extremist content on their YouTube site. He undertook to review the company's policies and strengthen the application.

It came after Marks & Spencer became the latest firm to pull its online ads on the subject, joining others like Audi, RBS and L'Oreal.

Recent research by the Times found advertisements (where some brands may have inadvertently contributed money to extremists) from a number of well-known companies and organizations had appeared along with the content of extremist group supporters on the YouTube video site. The Times said rape apologists, anti-Semites and hate preachers were among those receiving payments.

Analysis: Rory Cellan-Jones, BBC Technology Correspondent.

Explains that Spotting, videos that are illegal should be removed from YouTube and determine which are legal but not suitable for advertising.

Pressured by reporters over whether the firm would employ people to actively hunt down extremist videos, Matt Brittin was evasive, indicating that a combination of technology and smart user alerts to harmful content was a better option. But his main Challenge will be in providing greater clarity to clients when it comes to deciding which videos are "ad-safe".


Content: Contingut
Strengthen: fortalecer
Tackling: Abordando
Range: Distancia
Alongside: Junto a
Brands: Marcas
Unwittingly: Inconscientemente

I understand that news organizations put content because they need to make money from advertising so they can continue to invest in journalism. But to put disturbing ads is already very exaggerated.
Sincerely is a subject that bothers me because whenever we want to look for information or go to the Youtube everywhere there are advertising and ads. And now even more because we are in an era where globalization. The google boss should put some limits and have more watched the ads.

domingo, 12 de marzo de 2017

Why sneakers are a great investment

Josh Luber is a "sneakerhead," a collector of rare or limited sneakers
Their company, Campless, collects data on this market and analyzes it for collectors and investors. In this talk, I speak about the complicated, unregulated market and how it could be a model for a stock market for commerce. And also explain the importance and influence about logos and 
Their preferred shoes are the jordan black 3 cement.To sum it up, Nike Jordan shoes are collectibles, he said.


By having something that is not widely available, collectors feel they are different from others. I think it all comes down to shallowness of human that we seek for approval or recognition for that we own and most of us do not use it. The fact is that there are certain percentage of people are like that. I think that the addiction of collecting and consuming shoes is bad.

sábado, 11 de marzo de 2017



Slacks: pantalons de vestir
Open-minded: ment oberta
Bold: valent
Laid-back: tranquil.a/despreocupat
Groom: arreglat/polit
Low: baix
Pattern. estampat
Cropped. recortado
Dainty. delicat
Hoop earnings: aros (aracades)


Yosura, my older sister is nineteen years old but she looks she's seventeen. Now she is studying administration in Figueres. Last month she got over's her driving test. She has had relationship with a boy which spend for a year.
She looks tanned and slim with a good figure also she's short. Her face is small and oval. She has dark brown eyes, small nose and thick lips. She has slender eyebrows, long brown straight hair.
She has small bast and also has narrow hips. She dress casually and simple. She likes wearing a tracksuit, collars and necklaces. In important occasions like birthdays or parties she wears very cute dresses.
She's very funny but when she gets angry she has a strong wild.
She's crazy, cheerful and smart but little secure of her actions. Sometimes she's lazy.
I love her she is my hero and my favorite person. She means a lot to me.

Germany axe attack: Seven injured at Duesseldorf train station


Seven people have been injured in an attack at the main railway station in the western German city of Duesseldorf, according to police around 21:00 local time.
He was discovered to be a 36-year-old man suffering from psychological problems, according to Düsseldorf police.
He attacked people at random. The attacker was also seriously injured after jumping from a bridge while attempting to escape. Now he is being treated in a hospital.
Of the seven wounded, three are in serious condition and four are mild.

Germany suffered an Islamist attack last Christmas in Berlin, in which 12 people were killed by a truck driven by the Tunisian Anis Amri. But at the last hour of yesterday it was not known if the attack of Dusseldorf responds to a motivation terrorist or any other.


railway: ferrocarril
random: atzar
badly: mal
further: més lluny
lorry: camió
crowds: multituds


The death of people is always a sad subject.
And even more the attacks that kill people harmless by their ideals.

But in this case is a person with mental problems, even so the damage is not justified.



Scientists believe that an Ebola vaccine could help protect gorillas and chimpanzees from deadly disease. It is estimated that the virus has ended up with a third of the primates.

Dr. Peter Walsh of the University of Cambridge, who led the research, told the BBC that they have shown that this is a safe vaccine.

And Ebola in humans and great apes is closely linked. Many human outbreaks have started after people came in contact with the gorilla.

To see if vaccination could help, a vaccine was tested on 10 captive chimpanzees at a research center at the University of Louisiana Lafayette in the US.
Six animals received the drug orally, and four were injected with it. They found that the vaccine gave an immune response and did not cause health complications, said Dr. Walsh.
The trial was carried out before the ban on chimpanzee research entered its place in the US.


Wiped out: aniquilat
Vaccine: vacuna
Further: més lluny
Threat: amenaça
Carcasses: cadàvers
Bushmeat: silvestres


It is good news that researchers find a cure for primate ebola.
Although I have deconcentrated that many people became infected by contact with these animals.
I do not understand why it was forbidden to continue the investigation. They are not supposed to saved many lives.