
sábado, 10 de marzo de 2018

3 NEWS - 2nd term

Sharing the (self) love: the rise of the selfie and digital narcissism


Narcissism has evolved throughout history. It was Freud who coined the term 'narcissism' in memory of the character of the Greek mythology Narcissus. There have always been self-centered people, vain and delighted to have known each other, but never before had there been such a quantity per square meter.
According to studies, narcissism is linked to a parental education that overestimates children because they are praised excessively and, over time, children believe they are unique. Further,the irruption of the Internet and its derivatives in our lives plays an essential role and has a multiplying effect that transforms the mundane into extraordinary.

Narcissistic behavior surrounds us. Nowadays it manifests itself in selfish people, not very empathetic, sometimes somewhat exhibitionist, who want to be the center of attention and who think they are extraordinary. Even so, experts clarify that those who talk about epidemics exaggerate.


Blockbuster: Superproducció
Sum-up: Resumir
Heavier: Més pesat
Broadcast: Emissió
Hedgehog: Eriçó
Delighted: Encantat


I think a narcissistic person is very well that he has self-confidence but to a certain extent. Because although they have a good image of themselves, they need the admiration of others, and they also resort to defensive strategies such as aggression when they feel threatened superiority.
I think about this topic that people they have to be are valued for their quality of being human, and not only for appearance.

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