
sábado, 10 de marzo de 2018

2 NEWS - 2nd term

France’s 'Right to Disconnect' Law Isn’t All It’s Cracked Up to Be

France has opened the way to the need to legislate the disconnection to social uses to protect employees from the labor 'queme'. The reason is for the hyperconnectivity that is invading us without conduct without protocols, without time for us to process its impact. The problem is "anticipatory stress" because being constantly connected to work creates a stress that is not good for the brain or other organs. And this undermines the creativity of people, their capacity for loneliness, their relationships.
Regarding this problem, on January 1, all companies with more than 50 employees must set schedules for connection to mobile phones and Internet, agreeing with the template.
In addition, more than a hundred Catalan municipalities have already adhered to the idea of this disconnection that aims to enable people to recover their life outside of work by creating new job opportunities working from home.

Undermines: Disminueix
loneliness: Solitud
Watertight: Estanc
Maintain: Mantenir


We are in a society that everything is developed through technology. We are many people who are dependent on social networks,and it is more, there are people who have vice of to be in linea on the mobile and can not leave it.

That is why I am in favor of this law that France wants to propose and I believe that it would be necessary to legislate in other countries.

Because disconnecting is good for health.

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